One Quarter Century from Kingwood Park (Ice Cream Ride)
The ride starts at the picnic pavilion at Kingwood Park on Union Rd., Kingwood. The entire ride is on the plateau so there are no killer hills, and most of the roads are rural with little car traffic. The route will take us past Gabby’s Cafe at about mile 24 where we will stop and enjoy an ice cream cone as our well deserved reward for a morning of cycling. A generous small cone is about $5.
Those wanting a longer ride can bike to the ride start, or come early or stay late and put in some more miles.
Just a reminder, I hope everyone is training for the October 19, 100 mile self-supported century ride (or 25, 50 or 75 miles). Mark your calendars.
Be ready to roll at the 9 AM start time.
Address:Western Jersey WheelmenP.O. Box 168Three Bridges, NJ 08887