Come join us in celebrating WJW’s biking season and great places we ride.
Celebrating begins with a bicycle ride out of Federal Twist winery at 10:30 AM. At the conclusion of the bike ride, we will enjoy some wine, music, dancing and fun! Food and wine are available for purchasing, but you may want to bring your own snacks and a lunch.
Also, a lawn chair is recommended.
Family and friends are welcome to join us after the ride. Around 1:00 PM.
This is a B-ride. We will cross into PA at Bulls Island and return at Millford, for a long, flat ride along Route 29.
Parking for the event will be in the top parking lot at the Hidden Valley Nursery.
Start Location:
Ride Route:
Ride Leader: Arne Olsen
Wild Apricot App has all club members phone numbers.