Ride description:
A pretty flat route from Clawson Park in Ringoes. According to the Hunterdon County website, these roads are all open. (A bridge on Manners Road is out, but it won't be on our route.)
We'll stop for a break at the new Three Bridges Cafe at around mile 21. You should bring a face covering if you plan on going inside.
The forecast for Wednesday at this point is good at this point, but the ride will be cancelled if there is a likelihood of rain.
All participants should be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 using the Honor System.
No drops.
Helmets mandatory. Front/rear flashers recommended
email: mailto:ddoyle56@gmail.com phone: 908-303-4865
Email us:info@bikewjw.org
Address:Western Jersey WheelmenP.O. Box 168Three Bridges, NJ 08887