Ride description:
The next time trial will be held on Sunday September 13th. It was felt that having a 5-minute interval between riders was a bit of overkill, so the interval between riders will be reduced to 2 minutes.
The Time Trial course is approx. 4.5 miles long. The route starts at Kingwood Township school on Rt 519. After leaving the parking lot, turn right on Rt 519. Make the first right onto Union Rd. Take Union Rd all the way to Barbertown Point Breeze Rd, make a right. Then make the first right onto Thatcher Rd. Follow that all the way to Rt 519. Make a right and then a quick right into the school to end the time trial. RideWithGPS route is below.
Here are the rules:
To encourage distancing, riders will start at 2 minute intervals.
Bring face mask or face covering to wear when around other riders at the beginning and end of the ride and keep social distance around others.
When parking, leave at least 1 space between cars.
If you come up to another rider, pass them immediately. No drafting. If you are passed, let the passing rider go. Don't try to latch onto them.
A timer may be available, but participants should keep their own time, and should report their times to Dan Rappoport at completion if no timer is present.
It should be stressed that participants are NOT competing against other riders. The goal is that each rider is competing against themselves, with the aim of seeing improvement in their time as the season progresses.
Helmets Mandatory
Front/rear flashers recommended

- Contact Ride Leader: Dan Rappoport
phone: 609-924-9417
