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  • Saturday to Frenchtown - B/C Ride (31 or 24 miles, T1)

Saturday to Frenchtown - B/C Ride (31 or 24 miles, T1)

  • 08/08/2020
  • 9:00 AM
  • CVS Lambertville or Prallsville Mill in Stockton

Registration is closed


Enjoy the nice weather on our Saturday to Frenchtown Ride.  

We are going to follow the guidelines as sent to us by WJW Club President on June 6, 2020.*

We will stand at least 6 feet apart in the parking lot.  The ride leader will be the only one handling the sign-in clipboard and pen.  Riders will need to leave plenty of room between themselves and other riders while on the route.  Masks are optional for riding.  Please bring a mask, in case you need to enter an establishment.  Also, bring a snack, in case local businesses in Frenchtown are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Choose your starting location/time/mileage:  9:00AM at CVS in Lambertville (31 miles) OR 9:15AM at Prallsville Mill in Stockton (24 miles).  We'll ride along Route 29 to Joh Jo’s (used to be called Maria's) in Frenchtown for our rest stop, and then return via Route 29.  You can ride at your pace.  Please be on time as the start times listed are the times the ride rolls out.


-If you wish, you can extend your ride by adding extra miles after the rest stop (just let me know). 

-There may even be a hilly route as an alternative for one or both directions of the ride (starting at Prallsville Mill), depending if a hill-loving leader is available to join us/lead that route for that day.

Helmets required.  Rain cancels (decision made and posted by 7:30AM).  Please RSVP.

Jan Solkov


*Guidelines for WJW Riders:

  • Riders should follow the CDC, State, local and business guidelines regarding COVID-19. If you have COVID-19 symptoms or feel sick, do not ride. If you develop symptoms after the ride, contact the ride leader and, if possible, others on the ride.
  • Keep the group to around 5 riders. If the group is larger, then divide into smaller groups.  Total ride capacity is 25.
  • To avoid sharing the same pen, the ride leader should complete the sign in sheet for each rider.
  • Wear a face mask or face covering when meeting at the ride start and when appropriate during the ride, and keep the recommended distance between riders at the ride start, during the ride, at re-grouping stops, rest stops and at the end of the ride.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow. If you must spit or clear your nose, drop to the rear of the pack.
  • Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands with soap when practical during and after the ride.  
  • Everyone needs to make their own risk/benefit decisions. Riders take responsibility for following infection control and distancing guidelines and assume all risk of infection.
  • Any members who don't feel comfortable joining large group rides at this time should continue to ride solo.

Email us:

Western Jersey Wheelmen
P.O. Box 168
Three Bridges, NJ  08887

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