Ride description:
Note the start time change to 9 AM and the link to the route has been added. Join your bike buddies for first HOT DOG & BEER ride of the summer. We will start at my Pied-a-Terre and ride the beautiful country roads of southern Hunterdon County from Ringoes to Baptistown. After the ride we will gather under the spreading maple tree, enjoy a cold brew, and comment on my ability to grill hot dogs. We will start at 9 o'clock and finish around 11:30-12:00. I plan to ride at a C pace, faster riders can put the hammer down and meet the more casual riders back in Ringoes. Bring a lawn chair just in case it is needed. Bring your water and ride snack for a roadside rest stop.
Helmets Mandatory
Front/rear flashers recommended

- Ride Start: 5 Hart Lane, Ringoes

- Contact Ride Leader: Kurt Grabfelder
email: Kurt.Grabfelder@gmail.com
phone: 570-677-3591