- C 100 T2 Labor Day Weekend Century
Ride description:
PLEASE PARK IN THE BACK ON THE GRASS BY THE DUMPSTERS. There is an event using the paved parking lot.
Tailor made for a FIRST CENTURY RIDE. Or for that matter, your second or third century ride.
Last year we had a group of riders who were doing their first century ride. By all accounts, everything went well and everyone enjoyed the experience riding and the cold beer afterward. I would like to do that again this year with a new group of first timers and if possible the group from last year.
We will again be leaving from the Old Croton Bar and Grill and riding on the fairly flattish plateau. The route will loop back to the start three or four times where we will rest and re-supply our ride food and drink. During the ride we will never be more than five miles from our cars so if a bailout is necessary, it is manageable.
We will start at 7 AM, do a C pace averaging between 13-14 MPH, tailgate lunch at our cars, and finish around 4 PM. In the best of all possible worlds we will all stay together (we will try) but chances are the group will divide into smaller segments.
PREPARATION: If you can regularly do a 35 mile ride and finish in three hours you should fit in with this group. BUT...BUT...BUT you need to start doing some longer rides over the next six weeks in preparation for the century. I would suggest building up to riding 75 miles in eight hours by August 25. While doing these preparation rides you should be testing different pre-ride meals, ride foods, hydration, electrolytes and bike gear. You don't want to try something new during the century and find out it doesn't work for you.
To help in your preparation, I plan to lead some longer rides between now and Labor Day. Keep an eye on your email for ride announcements.
REGISTRATION: If you are interested in doing this ride as your first century, or first century in awhile, register on this posting. We can then keep in touch during the training rides leading up to the century, and if necessary, through emails.
The plan is to have other century rides with different paces and perhaps different routes. These will be posted closer to Labor Day.
Helmets Mandatory
Front/rear flashers recommended

- Ride Start: Old Croton Bar and Grill, Flemington

- Contact Ride Leader: Kurt Grabfelder
email: Kurt.Grabfelder@gmail.com
phone: 570-677-3591